Cath Mellor Vintage
Cath Mellor Vintage
"There once was a girl in love with all things vintage b ecause there's no place like home..."
Beautiful handpainted & reupholstered vintage & antique pieces of furniture for sale...

Press & features...
October 2011
Press & features...
October 2011
Coco Fennell, London fashion designer & CMV client, has released some personal photographs of her Winter collection shoot at her apartment. Here is top model Mimi Wearing on location, posing against CMV items purchased by Coco earlier this year.
Coco Fennell, London fashion designer & CMV client, has released some personal photographs of her Winter collection shoot at her apartment. Here is top model Mimi Wearing on location, posing against CMV items purchased by Coco earlier this year.

September 2011
Featured in the prestigious Australian Vintage Caravan Magazine!! I do believe that that is my little pink milking stool with roses!
September 2011
Featured in the prestigious Australian Vintage Caravan Magazine!! I do believe that that is my little pink milking stool with roses!

August 2011
August 2011
Featured in Milkcow magazine!!
"Milkcow loves the Blues""...two of my blue pieces in this fantastic 1940s/1950s vintage loving cult retro magazine!
Thank you to journalist, Ness Bird.
Featured in Milkcow magazine!!
"Milkcow loves the Blues""...two of my blue pieces in this fantastic 1940s/1950s vintage loving cult retro magazine!
Thank you to journalist, Ness Bird.

"A granny glass display cupboard. I am not a lover of too much shabby chic BUT I like shabby chic, if mixed in with contemporary pieces or good classic mid century modern, just my opinion. This would fit in nicely, I think, to a modern or country setting."

April 2011
April 2011
Advertisement & feature in
The Wirral Champion.
Advertisement & feature in
The Wirral Champion.

March 2011
March 2011
London fashion designer, Coco Fennell, has featured her recent commission purchases from CMV on her Google profile, a site promoting up and coming designers of interest to her.
Please read on for the feature:
London fashion designer, Coco Fennell, has featured her recent commission purchases from CMV on her Google profile, a site promoting up and coming designers of interest to her.
Please read on for the feature:
Monday, 7 March 2011
Monday, 7 March 2011
"Amazing super good value furniture from Cath Mellor Vintage...have custom made lovelies or choose from her brilliant selection of beautiful furniture. Here's some she made for me. A bloody bargain check it out" here
"Amazing super good value furniture from Cath Mellor Vintage...have custom made lovelies or choose from her brilliant selection of beautiful furniture. Here's some she made for me. A bloody bargain check it out" here

February 2011:
Practical Publishing, who publish various craft magazines, including the soon to be launched "Simply Homemade", approached Cath Mellor Vintage, after doing research on the Folksy website.
February 2011:
Practical Publishing, who publish various craft magazines, including the soon to be launched "Simply Homemade", approached Cath Mellor Vintage, after doing research on the Folksy website.
The staff team expressed admiration for the work produced & the Deputy Editor contacted the company, requesting more information & wanting to promote not only craft websites, but this new, eclectic business, offering to feature CMV on their special "Found on...." page in an upcoming issue.
The staff team expressed admiration for the work produced & the Deputy Editor contacted the company, requesting more information & wanting to promote not only craft websites, but this new, eclectic business, offering to feature CMV on their special "Found on...." page in an upcoming issue.