Cath Mellor Vintage
Cath Mellor Vintage
"There once was a girl in love with all things vintage b ecause there's no place like home..."
Beautiful handpainted & reupholstered vintage & antique pieces of furniture for sale...

Looking after your painted furniture...
To clean any smudges or spills:
Use an unscented baby wipe & dab gently, never rub.
Never use commercial cleaning wipes. The chemicals will strip & ruin the finish.
Allow to air dry, then buff with a soft cloth & any good spray wax.
To clean any smudges or spills:
Use an unscented baby wipe & dab gently, never rub.
Never use commercial cleaning wipes. The chemicals will strip & ruin the finish.
Allow to air dry, then buff with a soft cloth & any good spray wax.
To maintain your furniture:
Light circular movements with a soft cloth & any good spray wax.
Use another clean soft cloth afterwards, to buff up even more.